NEWSLETTER: 27th November 2019

Issue: 2019_2

APS Camp Meeting 2019

We would like to sincerely thank all who attended and supported the recent November camp-meeting at Elim Heights, Mellong. Despite the change of venues, I am sure we would agree that a rich blessing was received as light was unfolded and clarified, and the warm fellowship of like-believers was enjoyed by all.

On the Thursday evening (Nov 7) a Business meeting was held, giving all attendees the opportunity to be informed and participate as the work in Australasia moves forward. The minutes of the Business meeting are attached to this e-mail.

On the Tuesday evening following the Camp (Nov 12) a bushfire passed through Elim Heights and the main meeting hall, main machinery shed, and the cottage that was home to the care-taker Nathan (also NSW Conference President) and his family were destroyed. The Tyler family lost all personal effects but a Go- Fund-Me page in their support has exceeded expectations and they are looking forward to rebuilding. The following link will give more details:

Fire Storm Hits Elim Heights Youth Camp Australia


Because of the late change of venue at the camp-meeting, scheduled baptisms were postponed. However, last Sabbath, seven of the original candidates were able to make this important commitment at the Whroo fellowship in central Victoria.

We look forward to more baptisms in 2020 as brethren complete the classes.

We are grateful to Br Chris Ratcliffe for designing, building and gifting this beautifully crafted, purpose built font.

Africa Appeal

Please find attached to this e-mail an Appeal from Elders Tess, Parminder, Marco and Thabo, on behalf of our East African brethren (South Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Kenya). The proposed funding is towards a one-month School of the Prophets in the new year, followed by a number of camp-meetings. For more details, please see the attachment or contact me directly at

Worldwide Mission Update 2019

For those who may have missed the distribution of the 2019 World Wide mission Update in

August this year, please find it also attached to this e-mail.

APS Broadcast – WhatsApp

A WhatsApp group has been established to share links to relevant media articles and documentaries. This will assist in keeping up to date with critical changes in politics and the world as relevant to end-time prophecy. If you have not yet signed up, please contact Sr Terrie via .